Aa-Länder Musikanten

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Aa-Länder Musikanten


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A sample of Aa-länder Musikanten pictures through the years

Maart '66 Originally started as the Court Band of the ruling prince of carnival (1960), here is the line up of March 1966 gathered around "Prince Dre the first".
Our name then was "Hofkapel de Pierewaaiers". A single was made titled "Egerland heimatland" with on the B-side "Mexico". It was recorded at our habitual pub with the recording equipment standing in the kitchen! Single
Aa The name changed into Aa-länder Musikanten (translated as "musicians of the Aa grounds"). This line up is at a weir of the river Aa, near Bakel. (Postcard from 1972.)
In the early eighties our first LP was recorded.(The cover is pictured here) LP1981

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